The Return Of The Repertoire
The year will conclude with another gala at the Staatsballett Berlin

Elena Philipp
Step by step, the Staatsballett Berlin is reclaiming its stages: as a multi-headed ensemble with cast intensive choreographies, it is particularly affected by Coronavirus-related hygiene requirements. The Staatsballett started the season with a gala of small formats. In the meantime, it has also reconquered “Giselle” and “Swan Lake” again in an adapted form. At the end of the year, the company will rededicate itself to its repertoire with the fourth gala “FROM BERLIN WITH LOVE IV”. Bravura pieces by Balanchine will be performed alongside excerpts from Victor Ullate’s “Don Quixote” and “Le Parc” by Angelin Preljocaj. In “Les Intermittences Du Cœur” Roland Petit explored the world of Marcel Proust. His choreography has been part of the Berlin ballet repertoire since 1984, and was last performed at the farewell of artistic director Vladimir Malakhov in 2014. Who danced at that time, and will dance again this time is Marian Walter.
- November/December 2020
- Editorial
- (Un-)Lust am Text?
- Performative Mixtape
- Homage To Companions
- Autonomous Sound Collective
- Rewriting Cultural Codes
- Delightfully Enchanting
- Vain Struggle For Truth?
- The Essence Of Fruit
- Questions Of Faith?
- A Dash Of Strangeness
- Imaginary Landscapes
- Like A Crack In The Air
- Von Abstand bis Zusammensein
- Half-Human Aquatic Study
- Versus Finality
- Longing For Exuberance
- Power Centers Of Bodies and Sound