Discover Berlin's dance scene in all its facets - 30 venues are part of the Tanzcard network.
From the municipal theatres to the freelance dance scene, from classical ballet to contemporary dance ... discover the variety of Berlin’s dance landscape!
At over 30 participating venues and institutions in Berlin and Potsdam, the Tanzcard gives you roughly 20% off the standard admission fee. The Tanzcard partners feature the entire range of international choreographers and companies, local artists, festivals and discourse events.en.
There are also special promotions and a monthly newsletter with a selection of event tips and the chance to win free tickets. Plus, the card makes the perfect gift for anyone interested in dance.
THE Tanzcard can be used at the following venues:
- Acker Stadt Palast
- ACUD-Theater
- ada Studio & Bühne für zeitgenössischen Tanz
- Akademie der Künste
- Ballhaus Naunynstraße**
- Ballhaus Ost
- Berliner Festspiele*
- Chamäleon Berlin***
- Constanza Macras | Dorky Park
- DOCK 11
- fabrik Potsdam
- FELD Theater für junges Publikum
- HAU Hebbel am Ufer
- HZT Berlin
- Lake Studios Berlin
- Radialsystem
- RambaZamba Theater**
- Sasha Waltz & Guests
- Staatsballett Berlin*
- Studio laborgras
- Tanz im August
- Tanzfabrik Berlin
- Tatwerk | Performative Forschung
- Theater an der Parkaue*
- Theater im Delphi
- Theater Strahl Berlin
- Theater Thikwa
- Uferstudios
- Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
* no advance sales
** except premieres
*** except saturdays
It takes about 10 days for us to personalise your Tanzcard, which will be sent along with an invoice.
The Tanzcard can also be bought directly at the Tanzbüro and at the following locations:
- ada Studio & Bühne für zeitgenössischen Tanz
- HAU Hebbel am Ufer
- Tanzfabrik Berlin
Please note that the box office can be very busy before performances.
1 year 15,- €
2 years 25,- €
3 years 30,- €
The Tanzcard is not transferable and is only valid with proof of identity. The Tanzcard can be used for individual events marked “tanzcard (tc)” or any performances at venues which indicate that all the events on their calendar are eligible. Some venues do not offer advance sales online. A list of all events for which the Tanzcard can be used can be found in the Calendar.