The magazine is published online and as a free print issue every two months, with the latest stories and a calendar for professional dance in Berlin. Only selected content in English!
online edition November/December 2020
mit Verve warfen wir unseren Hut in den Ring – und setzten in dieser Ausgabe auf das Live-Programm, das sich der Berliner Tanz fürs Jahresende vorgenommen hatte. Herrlich, die Fülle der…
(Un-)Lust am Text?
Mit dem Schimpfen auf die Presse scheint man in letzter Zeit immer richtig zu liegen. Ungenaue, bösartige, lügende Journalist*innen – sind sie nicht allüberall? Journalismus abzuschreiben, darauf…
Performative Mixtape
High frequency stock exchange trading is just one example of how temporality has collapsed in today’s world: It takes experts three months to analyze transactions that computers can execute in three…
Homage To Companions
Movement studies in combination with dance portraits are what Isabelle Schad is passionate about. In her exhibition at the Tanz im August 2018 festival, she had the dancer Naïma Ferré, who was…
Autonomous Sound Collective
In April, a new series launched at Kunsthaus ACUD: Collective Practices. With a program of workshops, talks and performances it examins collective practice as it relates to artistic creation, cultural…
Rewriting Cultural Codes
As an allegorical figure, Josep Caballero García’s Raimunda is something like, if one thinks on a large scale, France’s Marianne or Lady Liberty on Ellis Island. Raimunda stands for an idea – the…
Delightfully Enchanting
Choreographers Antonia Baehr and Jule Flierl are taking the absolute claim to the correctness and validity of rational thinking to heart. In their duet “Die Hörposaune” (literally “Audiotrombone”),…
Vain Struggle For Truth?
The truth is an inclined plane. At least the press photos of the piece “Fall into place or what (was) is (true)” by the Potsdam choreographer Laura Heinecke suggest this. A metaphor that would be…
The Essence Of Fruit
The “fruit of thy womb” is an abundant old trope wherein a religious exaggeration of motherhood and a strictly bi-gendered image of the body are alluded to. Carlos Aller takes the metaphor literally,…
Questions Of Faith?
Getting in touch with each other again: this is what the Tanzfabrik Berlin aims to do with its autumn presentation format, Open Spaces – How to get in touch with... Concluding the festival, Jasna L.…
A Dash Of Strangeness
“What now?” was the question even the TANZKOMPLIZEN had to ask themselves in view of the social-distancing regulations that have gone into effect for stage productions. And they found a clever…
Imaginary Landscapes
Anna Nowicka creates atmospheres in her minimalist, dense works. In “Raw Light” the dancer, psychologist and dream realities’ specialist conjured up the impression of polar darkness, an imaginary…
Like A Crack In The Air
How can something change in the right direction? And what are our expectations and ideas about such a process? How do we, influenced by the idea of continuing development, design what has not yet…
Von Abstand bis Zusammensein
Auf Abstand gehen – für den Tanz ist das erstmal schwierig. Und doch bahnt sich die Kunstform ihre Wege: Trotz Pandemie wird weiterhin getanzt, auch gemeinsam. Wie das möglich ist, zeigte im…
Half-Human Aquatic Study
Josefine Mühle is interested in hybrid, interspecies bodies in states of emergency. “A Child has been beaten” is what she called the piece she developed together with Suvi Kemppainen for this year’s …
Versus Finality
In his philosophical list “58 Indices on the Body”, the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy writes: “A body is a difference. Since it is difference to all other bodies (...), the body never stops being…
Longing For Exuberance
Dancing under the stars and in the light of hundreds of torches one night, visiting the theatre the next, and the opera the night after that: The Baroque was considered the age of multidisciplinary…
Power Centers Of Bodies and Sound
Bodies clinging to a building and, together with sound, set the space vibrating: For Sasha Waltz, her Dialoge projects, which combine dance with music, architecture or the fine arts, have been “power…
The Return Of The Repertoire
Step by step, the Staatsballett Berlin is reclaiming its stages: as a multi-headed ensemble with cast intensive choreographies, it is particularly affected by Coronavirus-related hygiene requirements.…