We’re there for you! Tanzbüro Berlin is on hand to help Berlin dance artists with an extensive range of advice.
Forms of advice offered
The following forms of advice are offered free of charge, the aim being to give the city’s dance artists in-depth information and opportunities to network, and provide newcomers to Berlin with an initial guide to the dance scene:
Online group session: Overview on the funding system
In this online session, we will provide an overview of the funding structures and relevant funding for Berlin dance professionals. The event will be held in English, some funding-relevant terms will not be translated. The zoom link can be found here.
Next date: tbc.
Individual advice
During a one-on-one conversation, we offer an overview of the Berlin dance landscape, the artists, institutions and funding instruments, and are on hand to help with specific questions (possible ways of financing a specific project idea; giving your work greater visibility; questions on your budget, contracts, insurance, etc.). We will be happy to refer you to specialist advisers from our pool of experts. We do not have the capacity to support any specific project during the application process (assistance with texts, funding plans), but will be happy to put you in touch with dramaturgs and production managers.
Individual conversations with panel members
For some years now, we have been cooperating with members of the dance panels commissioned by the Berlin Senate and the Capital Cultural Fund to award entry-level/basic funding and that for individual projects. Roughly three weeks before the application deadlines, artists can take part in 25-minute discussions about specific application proposals.
Tanzbüro workshops
We hold regular group workshops on topics relevant to freelance dancers, and themes which regularly come up during individual advice sessions. Experts in various professions run these workshops on topics such as application writing, budgeting/billing, touring/networking, press/public relations, the Artists' Social Security Fund/insurance, etc.
Next Dates:
January 22 + 24, 2025: Stressed Out and Burning On with Luísa Saraiva (as part of the Tanztage Berlin 2025)
March 2025: Exchange format with Maxwell McCarthy
May 2025: No fear: Cost and financing plans with Barbara Greiner
May 2025: Ulrike Flämig
June 2025: Exchange format with Maxwell McCarthy
June 2025: From dance to text with Yu Bai
tandem – Continuing professional development programme
As part of the ERDF projects “Attention Dance” I and II, we introduced the tandem module to prepare prospective production managers and dramaturgs for work on the independent dance scene and offer them corresponding CPD. During a six-month series of seminars, two experienced mentors give them important insights into all relevant topics. At the same time, they are matched with artists, enabling them to step directly into practical work. Ideally, this is designed to produce lasting collaboration on the independent dance scene and increase the number of experts in production management and dramaturgy. From August 2019 to March 2020, what are currently the last two tandem series will be running at the same time, with 60 participants in all. We are, however, already planning the next stage of the programme.
tandem Stammtisch
In 2018, the regulars' table (Stammtisch) was launched to accompany tandem as a regular exchange and networking opportunity for dance production managers, dramaturges and artists. Several times a year, the regulars' table offers the opportunity to exchange and network with professional colleagues on current topics. We are happy to receive requests for topics, suggestions or questions so that these can be discussed at the regulars' table. Registration via
next date:
Facebook group for discussion and networking
By popular request, we founded the Facebook group Zeitgenössischer Tanz in Berlin – Die Gruppe für Austausch und Vernetzung in 2018 as a means of rapid networking among contemporary dance artists. The group acts as a notice board, for example for people looking for production managers, wanting to share a rehearsal room or find artists for a joint project – or even ask the Tanzbüro questions. To make the entries easier to read, posts advertising performances or workshops are deliberately excluded.
Newsletter & Contact
If you would like regular information about our advice schemes, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Your individual questions can be sent at any time to
Unfortunately, our consulting services are not fully barrier-free. We are aiming to remove existing barriers to increase the accessibility of our program. If you have any special requirements or needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.