
Where is Berlin’s dance scene? Where is it taking Berlin? Tanzbüro Berlin’s website tanzraumberlin.de offers a grandstand view of contemporary dance in the city, with information about important topics and events. Dance enthusiasts and dance artists are warmly invited to join us on our travels through Berlin’s professional dance landscape.

+++ Dance needs you! +++

Dance connects. Dance emancipates. Dance inspires. But behind this highly productive art form lies an equally precarious situation for artists. The TanzRaumBerlin network, ZTB e.V. and Tanzbüro Berlin are currently drawing attention to this with DanceAgenda2024. As part of the Aktionstag Tanz organised by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, they are calling for a demonstration on September 13, 2024 as a strong sign for dance.


Dance Performances


Dance venues


Dance professionals

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