The online portal for reviews and articles on professional dance events in Berlin and Potsdam.
Around 600 texts in 7 years of tanzschreiber
Tanzbüro Berlin came up with the idea for the online portal tanzschreiber.de in 2016. Ever since, its high-quality articles have examined the aesthetic and conceptual diversity of dance in Berlin and Potsdam, made accessible to both a specialist and a lay audience.
Mounting cutbacks in the (culture-related) media and the resulting gaps in its coverage of the professional dance scene mean that tanzschreiber has carved out a place for itself as a successful platform for reviews and articles on Berlin's dance events. A team of two to four alternating authors regularly write about current productions; along with articles by guest authors there are thus six to ten contributions a month.
The portal has developed since 2018: it has opened up to include English-writing authors and a selection of the published dance critiques is translated into English resp. German. The platform highlights dance festivals and focuses on networking with local and national organisations.
Berlin's Dance Review Portal is also accompanied by a series of events designed to move from passive reading towards actively exchanging ideas about the practice of critical writing, the development of journalism on dance and culture, and the relationship between art and critics. The tanzschreiber Dialogues focus simply - yet most difficult - on writing in relation to dance.
In August 2021 we startet our first tanzschreiber writing workshop TAP TAP TWIST & TURN: A Writing Slowdance with Inky & Aslan, with a second round in 2022. A separate tanzschreiber workshop program in German, Texte in Bewegung, led by dramaturgs and dance journalists Alex Hennig and Johanna Withelm, took place in March 2022 in cooperation with Tanzplattform Deutschland 2022, hosted by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. The second round is planned for January 2023. You will find the Open Call here.
Read the latest reviews and articles at www.tanzschreiber.de.
tanzschreiber is a module of “Perspektive Tanz“, a project of Tanzbüro Berlin, supported by Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. and funded for 2021-2023 by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin.