edition July/August 2020

Try Out New Beginnings

The NAH DRAN extended series at ada Studio continues digital

Abenteuer Anfang: Eine Skizze für ihren Beitrag zu NAH DRAN extended: beginnings von Therese Bendjus und Aleksandra Petrushevska. Foto: Therese Bendjus

Text: Christine Matschke

The title of the curatorial series NAH DRAN extended from ada Studio, which has been established for several years now, does not sound very applicable at the moment. Yet for the team of the ada Studio this was no reason to despair. With the current installment, called “beginnings”, which is organized in cooperation with the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT), the series is not only going online again, but also keeps the distance thematically: Why not question possible new beginnings during the enforced standstill? In their digital experiments, BA students of the HZT shed light on various facets of beginnings with their research and finished works. Derin Cankaya and Daria Belous then perform tabula rasa with their own identity in an imagined second life. Johanna Ryynänen, Asya Ashman, Miguel Witzke Pereira and Zuki Ringart, on the other hand, trust in the eternal cycle of life, which knows neither a beginning nor an end. Until they are finally allowed to get up close and personal again, they try out, among other things, telephysical forms of commitment and getting together. Creating further playful approaches to the theme “beginnings”: Therese Bendjus and Aleksandra Petrushevska, Maria Ladopoulos and Liisi Hint as well as Thiago Rosa and Gareth Okan. 

NAH DRAN extended: beginnings
July 5-8, 2020
ada Studio und HZT (online)

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