Text: Christine Matschke
Dance Journalist
“Big brother is watching you” was the most famous sentence from George Orwell‘s dystopian novel “1984” some seventy years ago. In their live-stream performance with chat “HELLO KEVIN / Installation of the Senses”, TEAM VOLUME is combining opportunities for analog and digital interaction with the audience resulting in a highly emotional aesthetic experience. Presented in the virtual space of the Internet, the performers are exposed to ever-increasing pressure of being observed. The result? The best possible sense of self-perfection. The ensemble around choreographer Johanna Lemke explores contemporary literary visions of the future that have already become present-day reality in order to find out if and how human qualities prevail under the rule of supposed perfection. The ambivalent space between tangible and physically contactless bodies created in this way also leads to questions about new demands and means of expression in dance: How do we touch in an intangible world?
- July/August 2020
- Wie werden künftig unsere Tanz- und Lebenslandschaften aussehen?
- Ein anderes Miteinander erspüren
- Sharing Ressources
- Konfetti zwischen Dielen
- Anti-Distance-Dance
- Kachelkurs statt Körper in Kontakt
- Try Out New Beginnings
- Remaining Versatile
- "Wir müssen das Paradigma unserer Arbeit ändern"
- Half-Virtual And Half As Long
- "We Are Inextricably Linked"
- Promenading Miniatures
- Glitz And Glamor Once Again
- "Wir lebten im Prekariat, jetzt leben wir im Elend"
- Spin It!
- TANZNACHT BERLIN 2020. Age of Displacement
- Performing Arts Programm Berlin
- Senatsgeförderte Studionutzung