edition September/October 2021

Time Turners

Rubato and the zeitkratzer ensemble turn on the clock

Compagnie Rubato "Die Zeit ist immer jetzt" © Monika Rittershaus

Text: Christine Matschke

In western societies, time is predominantly thought of in linear terms. Together with zeitkratzer, the European soloist ensemble for contemporary music, Dieter Baumann and Jutta Hell from the Tanzcompagnie Rubato, want to evoke other perceptions of time. In "Die Zeit ist immer jetzt" ("Time is always now"), eight dancers meet the same number of musicians to unwind a dialogical process. For the Rubatos, the reference to this work is the social discourse on the existing relationship between humanity and nature as well as the urgent need to change it. How can strictly timed, economic views of time be transformed into more organic, merely seemingly chaotic sensations of time? How can free spaces be created? (cm)

Tanzcompagnie Rubato & ensemble zeitkratzer
Die Zeit ist immer jetzt
October 7-9, 2021

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