Ageing Differently
Alternative ways of living at the Coming of Age festival
Text: Christine Matschke
From a cross-generational perspective, the Coming of Age performance festival at the Sophiensæle will shed light on the phenomena of ageing. For the opening, Liz Rosenfeld & Rodrigo Garcia Alves will create visions of a social hospice. Through the experimental use of dance, text and video, the duo will explore more humane, non-normative ways of dying in “Thank you for your effort, even if these requests cannot be fulfilled”. Based on a conversation with the fictional goddess Dawn, Sheena McGrandles presents the topic of reproduction and the accompanying contemporary concepts of family life as an alternative musical. Olivia Hyunsin Kim’s performance “Like daughter, like mother” makes the case that motherly love is more than unconditional self-sacrifice. And with the ballet “Alter Hase“ by Lajos Talamonti, the thoroughly brutal question of the physical “expiration date” of dancers as a profession-specific problem is on the program as part of the extensive six-week festival. (cm)