The magazine is published online and as a free print issue every two months, with the latest stories and a calendar for professional dance in Berlin. Only selected content in English!
online edition September/October 2021

Einen Zoll voran und darüber hinaus
Moving the Forum ist eines der ersten performativen Projekte am kürzlich eröffneten Humboldt Forum. Wie es innerhalb der umstrittenen Institution Raum für andere Perspektiven schaffen und einen Teil…

The Body As Excess And Frenzy
The Tanzfabrik Berlin is undergoing institutional change: a new management team will be taking over in 2022. Coming this fall, the first innovations in the program will already be underway. Instead of…

Colorful Transformation
In the fall, the Potsdamer Tanztage, originally planned for 2020 and now extending into December of this year, will dazzle with a program rich in premieres. The performance “Bouillir le vide, un…

Creating Hope
“Voices”, a musical message for the future in which people of different ages and diverse backgrounds lend their voices to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was published by the composer Max…

Der Grundherzschlag des Machens
Unter Pandemie-Bedingungen
Proben ohne Aufführung? Das ist wie ein olympischer Wettbewerb ohne Sieger*innenehrung. Für darstellende Künstler*innen bedeutet es einen Prozess ohne Höhepunkt. Diese…

Uncovering Blind Spots
In "Still Not Still", Ligia Lewis tackles the gaps in conventional historiography. Originally planned for April 2021, then shown as a film instead, the choreographer's piece will now be performed at…

A Sculptural Collective Body
In "FIVE", bücking & kröger set off in search of the most intensive effects of a group. While the two have presented their work as a duo in recent years, they are now expanding their choreographic…

From The Underworld
Ruben Renier, once a member of the ensemble of Amanda Miller / pretty ugly tanz köln, now produces his own works and is also involved in the Berlin dance scene. He is now presenting his latest piece…

Time Turners
In western societies, time is predominantly thought of in linear terms. Together with zeitkratzer, the European soloist ensemble for contemporary music, Dieter Baumann and Jutta Hell from the…