Porous Beings
Monika Gabriela Dorniak explores social connections in urban space

In “The Amplification of Fluctuations“, Monika Gabriela Dorniak and her five dancers explore public spaces: their outdoor performance will take place on a mobile stage in front of the district court in Wedding. Social (psycho)dynamics are of interest to the artist, who is trained in choreography, psychology and fashion design. How do people connect with each other and with their environment? How has this connection changed? Dorniak develops the choreography in an analysis of texts from psychology, philosophy and sociology, which she reads together with the dancers. What boundaries do we need as individuals? To what extent does our permeability or porosity make us a plural, social being? are questions the group poses in the process. Interpersonal interactions are depicted on the physical level; the dancers form a cohesive unit as a choreographed collective body. The movement sequences will be tested „in the studio, urban space, as well as in woodlands,“ as the announcement states. The performance, which is affiliated with Uferstudios, will be presented in front of the district court at the end of August. (eph)