edition July / August 2021

An Object From The Past

Jule Flierl and Irena Z. Tomažin delve into the history of happenings

"U.F.O." von Jule Flierl und Irena Z. Tomazin, 15. – 18. Juli 2021 Sophiensæle © Leon Dohr

Together with the Slovenian choreographer, singer and philosopher Irena Z. Tomažin, the voice-dance choreographer Jule Flierl will reanimate a fragment of non-Western performance history: Katalin Ladik’s happening “U.F.O. Party” which, performed in Novi Sad in 1970, was the first known happening in Yugoslavia in which an artist used her own body as the material. Taking the title, UFO, the unknown flying object, as a starting point, Flierl and Tomažin ask themselves what it means to be unknown, even becoming unintelligible or indecipherable over time. Is it about aliens and alienation, a flying saucer, a mysterious surveillance apparatus – or is the unknown flying object a virus or the voice itself? What emerges from these fragments and questions can be experienced in July at Sophiensæle.     (eph)

Jule Flierl und Irena Z. Tomažin
July 15 - 18, 2021

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