The magazine is published online and as a free print issue every two months, with the latest stories and a calendar for professional dance in Berlin. Only selected content in English!
online edition Mai-Juni 2023
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Liebe Leser*innen,
endlich geht’s los! Oder: Der Anfang ist die Hälfte des Ganzen.
Wie alles begann: Als ich 1992 beim TUS Neukölln in der Jazz Dance-Gruppe Die Schrillen Schrullen mit dem Tanzen anfing, freitags in…
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Random Shorts
Who and what belongs in here? Please send suggestions for the next issue to the editor: withelm@ztberlin.de

Once more from the beginning, or déjà vu
Dance dramaturge and journalist Alex Hennig (temporarily) abandoned her hometown of Berlin to become a permanent dramaturge at Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm in Frankfurt am Main in the fall of 2022.…

Radau machen
Das jährlich im Mai stattfindende A.PART-Festival bietet Tanzstudierenden und Absolvent*innen eine Plattform für erste choreografische Arbeiten. Tanzraumberlin-Redakteurin Johanna Withelm spricht mit…
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How do you start a project?
What does a good start to a project in the Berlin Independent Dance Scene look like? An attempt to provide answers is provided in the recently published booklet How to (Make) Dance in Berlin – A…

Kunst des Aufhörens
In den Sophiensælen steht ein Leitungswechsel bevor: Andrea Niederbuchner und Jens Hillje übernehmen ab der kommenden Spielzeit die künstlerische Leitung. Nach notwendigen Baumaßnahmen wird im…

Ein großer Schritt…für den Tanz in Berlin.
Berlin steht kurz vor einem Regierungswechsel und der zu Redaktionsschluss vorliegende Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU und SPD lässt noch einige Fragen offen. Wie geht es weiter mit den beim Runden…

Music for the Eyes
What is visual sound and how are we able to perceive it? In Matters of Rhythm, sign language choreographer Rita Mazza and visual artist Hanna Kritten Tangsoo collaborate to probe the relationship…

A Fragile Crackling
Choreographer Daniela Georgieva, who works across the disciplines of dance, performance, music and visual arts, has created a solo piece for dancer David Kummer. In a dialogue with the violin playing…

Crisis and Hope
Urban Dances from Africa, Empowerment, Dance & War along with Migration are the thematic focal points of this year’s edition of the Potsdamer Tanztage. The productions Matière(s) Première(s) by…

Time for Change
Entitled “Emerging Change Prologue”, curators Makisig Akin & Nara Virgens will be presenting artistic works by queer Black people, indigenous people and people of color at the Tanzfabrik - with the…
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Let the Quiz Dance Show begin
For Dance Loves Music Loves Dance, five Thikwa ensemble members, accompanied by director/choreographer Modjgan Hashemian, will each choreograph a solo for a guest dancer from another company based on…

The Finite Nature of Existence
Berlin is eagerly awaiting Christian Spuck’s first work at the Berlin Staatsballett, which he will inherit as artistic director in the upcoming season: a ballet based on Giuseppe Verdi’s Messa da…
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Unpicking a Sticky Proverb
I let my fingers trace the metal grill window as I swayed my body. I brought my hair forward to fall over my face as though it was moved by an imaginary breeze. An imaginary film camera panned across,…