edition November-December 2022

Seen In The Backlight

cie. toula limnaios examines our existence

Auf der Suche nach Heimat: Toula Limnaios‘ „staubkinder“. Foto: Melika Dez

Text: Christine Matschke

Have we lost our way in the world? In “staubkinder” (children of the dust) by Toula Limnaios, eight dancers create an untenable, surrealistic world. The title of the piece is a neologism coined by the choreographer and is simultaneously a symbol of our present existence – in all its complexity, crisis and uncertainty about the future. Leonard Bernstein’s interpretation of the 6th movement of Gustav Mahler’s 3rd symphony reflects the alienation and emotional turmoil that accompanies these circumstances. How does one find (a way back) to a state of harmony within oneself? Where is the island one calls home? “Dust”, it is hoped, can be interpreted here not only as a sombre symbol of transience, but also as the unifying primordial basis of all life.

cie. toula limnaios
December 7-10 and 14-17,2022
HALLE Tanzbühne Berlin

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