"Super Superficial" von Kysy Fisher. Foto: Mari Vass

HZT Berlin Choreography Master’s students present their final projects

Text: Johanna Withelm

As is the case every other year, the graduates of the Choreography program (maC) at the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin will be showcasing their final choreographies. Two works that explore bodies as sources of power and empowerment in different ways will be presented in July. Super Superficial by Kysy Fischer addresses the ridiculous- ness of the naked body: exposed and garish, it is revealed as a surface mirage, while concepts of beauty are scrutinized and expectations disappointed. Ari Adamski’s work RIVER is a performative radio play and an experiment combining dance and radio technology. Inspired by the author Minna Salami, it poses the question as to what influence a feminist redefinition of power might have on the relationship between corporeal and programmed bodies.


MaC Abschlussarbeiten / MaC Final Projects

July 1, 14 and 15, 2023

Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin


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