edition May-June 2022

It’s May Again...

An international program at the Potsdamer Tanztage

Lía Rodrigues' "ENCANTADO", eingeladen zu den Potsdamer Tanztagen 2022. © Sammi Landweer

Text: Frana Kisch

Since its inception in 1991, the Potsdamer Tanztage has developed into a fes­tival of international standing. This year, too, the stages in Potsdam offer a a wide range of programs by international choreographers. In “Ever So Slightly”, Victor Quijada and ten dancers draw an initially harmonious, later chaotic picture of a post­industrial world. In “Encantado”, Lía Rodrigues trans­ports us into the mysticism of the Afro ­Indige­ nous world. The Swedish choreographer Gunilla Heilborn adapts a heavyweight of world liter­ature: “37 Hours and 3 Minutes” – the read­ ing time of Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina, which seems frighteningly relevant today. In “Re:INCARNATION”, Qudus Onikeku and The Q dance company present urban dance and Afro­beats by youth from the city of Lagos, Nigeria. Hamdi Dridi explores the body at work in “I Listen (You)” and sings the praises of physical creation. Fabrice Ramalingom confronts two men of different generations in “Générations”, and Aina Alegre is a guest with “La Nuit, Nos Autres”, a picturesque microcosm sit­uated somewhere between creation and destruction.

Potsdamer Tanztage 2022
May 10-22, 2022
fabrik Potsdam, Hans Otto Theater, T-Werk

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