20 questions about the future
We are currently experiencing an intense time – political conflicts and crises in our society are also affecting the dance scene, and many dance professionals are very worried. What does the future of Berlin dance look like? What motivates its participants? An — infinitely expandable — snapshot of the mcurrent state of affairs, as captured by tanzraumberlin magazine in collaboration with Tanzbüro Berlin.
What are the biggest barriers in dance and how can we overcome them together?
How can we learn from each other?
How can we outlast ambivalences?
How can established artists remain in the subsidy system and emerging artists enter the subsidy system at the same time?
Is power-critical self-reflection possible without inducing a reflexive, defensive posture?
How can access to dance be facilitated for previously underrepresented people?
How can the Berlin dance scene perform in solidarity against right-wing extremist realities?
What is the current status of our artistic practice? And where do we perhaps have to acknowledge its limitations?
What becomes of artists without funding?
How can dance emerge from its persistently marginalized position in the arts landscape?
How do we defend our artistic practice against any form of discrimination?
Are we listening to each other?
Where does freedom of expression end?
How can we organize together in the fight against anti-democratic forces?
Can we ever manage to escape the neoliberal exploitation logic when it comes to our work?
How can we work without being constantly tired?
Is it possible for us to think differently about the collaboration of artists and institutions in dance?
How can intergenerational responsibility be put into practice among dance professionals?
How can I criticize others without hurting them?
Is the dance scene in an unhinged world still a place of solidarity, support and hope?