Variations On The Theme Of Trust
The NOW! Festival keeps faith with the moment

Christine Matschke
Dance Journalist
Action Theater’s intense expressiveness and the fleeting potential of physical improvisation are both driven by a passion of acting in the here and now. And both of these spontaneous arts of movement are the focus of the eighth NOW! Festival at Uferstudios. On five evenings, among others a number of personalities from the Berlin dance scene will explore the manifold meanings of the term “trust”: In “Muscles & Lies”, for example, chaos-and-dance researcher Stephanie Maher and choreographer Jess Curtis meet in an unexpected duet to explore the relationship between body and truth. As “True Believers”, the performers of the Streugut collective commit themselves to an unexpected session with voice, dance and music in “Improvisation #20.1”. Keeping in tune with the theme of the evening, Andrew Morrish performs the solo “Delicate” – enthusiasts of fine physical humor will certainly get their money’s worth. The festival program, which is packed with spontaneously changing situations, will again be directed by Action Theater specialist Sten Rudstrøm in 2020.