The magazine is published online and as a free print issue every two months, with the latest stories and a calendar for professional dance in Berlin. Only selected content in English!
online edition March/April 2020

Liebe Leser*innen,
inspirierende Institutionen, die Kultur zeitgemäß und zukunftsorientiert denken und die auch für Berlin Anregungen bereithalten, stellt Sigrid Gareis in der März / April-Ausgabe von…

Institutionelle Avantgarde
Neue Institutionen für den Tanz entstanden zuletzt um das Jahr 2000 in größerem Umfang. Sigrid Gareis, Gründungsintendantin des Tanzquartier Wien, fragt, ob es nicht Zeit für eine neue Gründungswelle…

Cyberspace And Wooden Stage
In “rauschen” it was already apparent that choreographer Sasha Waltz is seeking a socio-critical connection to new technologies. With Andrew Schneider, she has now, for the first time, commissioned an…

Cooperative Creation
Barely begun, already gone: This is how the dream of a co-directorate reconciling classical and contemporary dance at the Staatsballett Berlin unfolded. In light of the hasty end of the dual…

Creating New Social Facts
For twenty years now, choreographer and performer Saša Asentić has been active in and on disability arts. He is Artistic Director of the performing arts group Per.Art in Novi Sad (Serbia) in which…

Porous Intellectual Spaces
Which canon of theatre and dance do we trust? And to which social norms and values do we connect it? Choreographer Ligia Lewis searches for aesthetic possibilities of maintaining a black position…

Digging Deep
It migt not feel unusual for choreographer Tomi Paasonen to be alone on stage for “Retrospectrum – 5 Solos for 5 decades”. The now 50-year-old danced as a soloist at the Hamburg Ballet, Lines Ballet…

Hauptanliegen Support
„Sie ist ein politischer Mensch und schlau. Man meint, man macht Small Talk. Das dient ihr aber dazu, Dinge durchzusetzen. Unangenehm ist das nicht, weil sie nichts Böses will. Und es ist auch süß,…

Variations On The Theme Of Trust
Action Theater’s intense expressiveness and the fleeting potential of physical improvisation are both driven by a passion of acting in the here and now. And both of these spontaneous arts of movement…

artist's voice
Our Other Body?
Any performative act is an act of self-definition, a statement of identity. How is it received if one’s body is clearly marked as “non-white”? How can another future be shaped, especially when working…