Innerhalb eines viertägigen Workshops, der im Rahmen der OPEN SPACES/Sommer Tanz der Tanzfabrik stattfindet, bietet Jeremy Wade in englischer Sprache eine Lecture-Performance mit dem Titel “Systems of Support and Critical Care” für das Publikum an.
Die Lecture Performance ist in sechs Teile aufgeteilt:
1. Reflections on critical care through a fast-paced poetic photo and video collage of Fountain 2011, Together Forever 2014, Death Asshole Rave Video 2015, Drawn Onward 2016 and Between Sirens 2018. How to talk about dance to people who have not read performance theory?
2. Presentation of Crisis Karaoke, a 20-minute karaoke video I made that documents my experience of having a panic attack while talking about precarity, competition in the field of cultural production and financial insecurity. Sing along to the bouncing ball. How to talk about neo liberal precarity without quoting Wendy Brown?
3. Reflections on The Future Clinic for Critical Care. After having curated 4 different Future Clinics and having just been invited to do this series in Zurich in 2019 and 2020 I will like to share highlights of these events by making a collage of photos and videos with personal stories of peoples experiences at the events. The stories we tell each other about the work we experience is quite possibly the best form of mediation there is.
4. Circle Dance from Between Sirens – I will invite the audience to participate in a four-part circle dance incorporating some of the material from Between Sirens which is itself based on civic domestic and mythic gestures of support. You cannot talk about it you just have to dance this dance of systemic support.
5. The Battlefield Nurse – it all ends with a drag show concerning the messy politics of care. With a simple mic, a play list and 30 pages of text I tell stories sing dance and connect with the audience in a non-theatrical space. Dance communicates.
6. Questions + Answers with the Audience.