edition Januar-Februar 2024

Dance... From Those Who Have Chosen To Call Berlin Home

"Play Bow" von Sami Giron ©Svetlana Sokolova

The EXPO Festival at the English Theatre showcases five dance premieres

Every year since 2013, the EXPO Festival has presented new productions by international artists who have made Berlin their adopted home. This year, the interdisciplinary curatorial team of Daniel Brunet, Christin Eckart and Maque Pereyra has selected five dance productions: Sami Giron’s Play Bow is a moving metaphor for the playful behavior of dogs; Masha Sapizhak’s InnerVoice-dot-ru is a documentary performance about life in dictatorships and repressive state policies and André Uerba’s Æffective Choreography examines intimacy as a practice of communion. Furthermore, Duos Duet alias
Niki Yaghmaee and Golsana Shenasaei explore the complicated relationship between human behavior and the irritating experience of being watched in Bypass Portal and Frida G. Franceschini’s Tricks for Gold (T4$) is a cynical, fairytale-like performance about the display of the female body in the age of late capitalism. (jw)


Die EXPO 2024: A Showcase of Berliners-by-Choice

February 15-29, 2024

English Theater



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