Open Calls

Pottporus: aware! - Performance & Residency Program

Application deadline: May 24, 2024

Pottporus offers an artistic residence on the topic of "Postcolonialism in Germany". Urban artists from the fields of rap, graffiti/street art and urban dance can apply. Six residences will be awarded, two each from the areas mentioned


  • Artistic residence for a period of three weeks, including a week of workshop and
    seminar format with experts on the topic *

  • The aim is to create a common performance format, if necessary cross-departmental, which will be
    presented and discussed six times after the residence with the involvement of artists and experts at
    various houses in the Westphalia-Lippe/Ruhr area.

  • Accompanied by a film team to create a documentary for streaming services, social media, TV

    *Please note: workshops will be held in german language.

The open call is nationwide and is aimed at urban artists (rap, graffiti / street art, urban dance) both with and
without a corresponding background, who want to illuminate the topic of post-colonialism in their art as well
as in society and reflect on their own role in it.

Residence from 23.09. - 13.10.2024 with subsequent performances on various weekends

Place of residence: Herne/NRW

Artistic fee of €5,000 p. /P. plus accommodation, travel expenses and, if applicable, material costs

Applicants must be of legal age and be able to issue invoices

Apply until 24.05.2024 with

  • meaningful letter to you, your artistic background and your previous work/experience in the field of urban arts (max. 1 page)

  • With your CV (max. 1 page)

  • With three reference projects that give insight into your artistic work (songs, videos, photos, sketches, etc. **)

  • With a rough list of costs that may be incurred with your project and a list of equipment that you may bring in (e.g. hardware or the like)​

  • The answer to the following questions (total max. 2 pages):

How would you deal thematically and practically with the residence "Postcolonialism in Germany" and use your art to do so?

What role does your art play in dialogue with society and how do you personally integrate social and
social responsibility into your artistic practice?

Where do you see your artistic development after the residence, what long-term goals do you have
with your art?

Are you open to cooperation with artists from other disciplines? If so, in what form?


**For the transmission of data, please use or The transmitted links must be found in the cover letter for assignment or attached as an attachment in PDF format.


We encourage all artists from any socio-cultural background to apply

Apply by 24.05.2024 with the corresponding documents by email to

Urban Art Residency |

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