Collage: Nicola van Straaten

Nicola van Straaten
Artist, Dancer and Consulting Astrologer


Dance and astrology have more in common than we think. Both are ancient — humans have been dancing and interpreting the sky since before history was a word. Both activities involve time, patterns, rhythm, counting, observation, interpretation and practice. Both fields contribute to knowledge in expansive and creative ways, and both are quite political.
When astrology fell from favour in 17th Century England and intellectual elites distanced themselves from the topic, it was the laboring poor who continued to purchase astrological almanacs, keeping an eye on the sky for important data during times of political upheaval. Perhaps they wanted to stay in relation with forces of power that went beyond ideas of the nation state.
It doesn’t take an astrologer to tell us that the world is currently going through major shifts in power. As we navigate our lives and care for our communities, how might collaboration with the sky support us? What if the cosmos has choreographic tendencies to move with and against meaning? If we can imagine to be in duet with stars and planets, then how can we channel this relationship into self-empowering knowledge?
These horoscopes are written to affirm, support, challenge and remind you that the universe wants to dance with you. Consider this, as you listen to the song for every zodiac sign this season: You Are Loved by Peter Barclay.


Did you know snakes are very irritable when they shed their skin? You, my friend, are in a big shedding process. Feeling emotional itchy is right on time. Warn your loved ones and stay kind as you wrestle out of old layers. This process will take a while, so don’t rush — settle into a season of scratchiness, trust that it will pass. You’ll be golden and shining come 2025. Until then, do something every day that soothes your physical and emotional inflammation — make it a mid-year resolution.

These months bring support and motivation so revel in this high-five from the cosmos. If you’ve been in a new phase of learning, it’s a fine time to share your thoughts and distribute your ideas. Consider how exchange is an act of care. You don’t know who in your community needs to hear the exact thing you’ve been researching. Stay humble, take the leap and share your thing with the enthusiasm of a child. Practice the joy of your presence and presents by leaping into rooms. Remember that silliness is a door to knowledge.

With the intensity of summer fading I want you to rest. Try move in slow motion for September, even if that feels impossible — since September continues the wild flurry of action that’s been following you all year. As October arrives, make a point of breathing. Trick yourself into this by inventing games with friends designed to calm the nervous system — greet each other with three-long breathes, don’t speak until you’ve closed your eyes and touched your heart for 4 seconds. Gameify self-care in community. They need it as much as you do.

The stars have enrolled you in a six-month course in conflict resolution. Isn’t that nice? I’m joking, but I’m also not. Life is a classroom and come the end of the year, you’re asked to show what you’ve learnt about aggression. If you’re scared of conflict, if you overdo or underdo self-assertion, now is the time to study these topics. Be it through books or your body, get curious — become a student of anger, observe it, don’t fear it. Understanding is the first step to integration.

Things could feel anti-climatic as we exit Leo season. Or relieving. Either way, take time to process what emerged in the mid-year mayhem. September brings little signs and synchronicities with answers you’re looking for, so stay open. October asks you to come face to face with your values, especially in relationships. Ask yourself what kind of initiation you want to go through — and who do you want to be on the other side?

If it’s a slightly underwhelming birthday or you’re just feeling flat and deflated in September, please do your very best to go easy on yourself. Withdrawal, meditation and realizing the usefulness of acceptance (which is not the same as consent) is probably the best use of this energy. Things lighten up in October and I encourage you to imagine that for this month, the devil and the angel on each shoulder are finally in agreement — both are rooting for you to simply be more of who you are.

October 2nd brings the last eclipse in Libra for the next 18 years or so. Don’t panic. There’s nothing to do except take a moment to honour what has changed over the past two years. Imagine you’re emerging from a cocoon. When you get out of bed in the mornings, visualize your wings — acknowledge that you don’t know how to use them yet, that they’re stiff and awkward. Take time with these new limbs, consider what you’ve lost and what you’ve gained. Whatever you do, don’t rush. Part of the joy of illumination is the presence required to witness it.

It’s okay to be confused, oh mysterious one. Trust that reorientation requires messy negotiation. Or perhaps you’re clear about what you want and where you’re heading. Either way, make space for mishaps. Now is a time when pressure feels strangely supportive. You are growing. You know intensity has its own beauty. Consider yourself as a tree in a storm — the raging wind allows you to feel the strength of your roots. Howl at the full moon mid-October, and remember you are a very alive animal.

If you feel spread out in September or pulled in different directions, consider a kite: Tension pulls thin material in four opposing directions and voilà! You’re flying. Try remain light, see how you soar with a certain amount of delicate fragility and the right conditions. In October you’ll experience resilience returning in more relational ways. Consciously accept any kind of gift with gratitude. Trust that the people in your life mystically contribute to the structural shifts your identity is undergoing.

You understand the value of playing the long game even if you’re not the most patient sign in the zodiac. September brings flow that feeds your motivation. Run with it, but don’t take on too much. You’ll need energy to manage the intensity of the year’s end. Let drama slow you down. Relationships are like mushrooms, we can foster the right conditions but we cannot force them to bloom (also, they’re very good for us). Now is the time for cultivation, Capricorn. Not harvest.

I don’t know how to tell you to enjoy yourself without you scoffing at me but the astrology these months is looking quite pleasant for Aquarians, despite the devastating collapse of global sanity. If you’re familiar with the idea of “rest as resistance” try practicing it, not just thinking about it. Pursue the skill of being actively passive and passively active. It’s also a good time to let your people show you love. Don’t squirm, get cheesy and invite intimacy to turn your discomfort into laughter.

We’ve arrived at a point in the year where it’s time to be completely honest with yourself, Pisces. About what — I don’t know. You probably do, though. Honesty doesn’t mean having the answers or knowing what to do, it just means finding the courage to see things how they actually are. Fortunately, you are well equipped to access courage during this season. Find the audacity to emotionally connect with your strongest desires even if they seem ridiculous. Sensations of delay will ease off come October. Look back over the past six months, do a stock take of what makes you shine.


For more information about my astrological work, visit


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