Of Plants and Sounds
The Thikwa ensemble is modelling new images of the body
How can humans and plants create a language together? Together with the Thikwa ensemble, long time Berlin choreographer Angela Schubot has developed the immersive and interactive performance YA! At the heart of this work between dance and voice/song is the yarrow plant, from which the nine performers receive signals and melodies and translate them into time-fogging moving sound fields. In doing so, they question how they can utilise the plant to produce new body images and engage with the diverse nature of their own bodies. The performances will be accompanied on July 3 by a lecture by artist Folke Köbberling, who has created a sculptural installation made of sheep’s wool for YA! (jw)
Angela Vitovec aka Angela Schubot
July 3 - 7, 2024
Theater Thikwa