Love and Chaos

The Female Trio PunkDrumLove at Dock 11
The Berlin choreographer Johanna Lemke, the dancer Eli Cohen and the drummer Almut Lustig deliver themselves to each other in extremes as the loud women's trio PunkDrumLove in the piece of the same name. They explore the depths of human relationships, be it in long-lasting love affairs, friendships or social relationships, and search for an expression of their excessive demands with the brutal chaos of the current global political situation. In PunkDrumLove, the three women enter a ring as gladiators, chasing each other from climax to climax and pushing their physical limits together. They are pouring love over violence in their quest for a utopian space of awakening from the thundering chaos of the world. (jw)
Johanna Lemke, Eli Cohen, Almut Lustig
November 14-17, 2024
Dock 11 / Dock Art
- November-Dezember 2024
- Liebe Leser*innen,
- Random Shorts
- "Is it Just Bad Taste?"
- Too Much is Never Enough: A Love Letter to Bad Girls and Melodrama Suits Her
- Flutgraben Performances Residencies. Moving Community – Residenz als Praxis
- Intimate Portrait
- Crossing Continents
- Breaking Boundaries
- Dialogs Across Borders
- Bodyscopes