A Festival for the Very Young

The seventh edition of Fratz International for all children six and under
The seventh edition of Fratz International will be presenting a week-long festival of dance and theater for young audiences. This year, seven productions from South Africa, India and Europe can be seen at Theater o.N. and other venues in a total of five neighborhoods. For example, the play Bounced, which explores the question of otherness and bullying by playing with large and small balls, the immersive work Fields of Tender, which was developed for neurodiverse babies and children with disabilities, the interactive open-air performance The Trees in Us in Humboldthain and much more. The stage program will be rounded off by a symposium discussing current issues relating to theater for young audiences, as well as a workshop program for daycare children aged two to four. (jw)
FRATZ International
October 11 - 17, 2024
Theater o.N., Dock 11, FELD Theater für junges Publikum, Tanzhalle Wiesenburg, and others.
- September-Oktober 2024
- Liebe Leser*innen,
- Random Shorts
- "Wir brennen für den Tanz"
- Was das Publikum begeistert
- "Das Publikum will Tanz"
- A Day on Hospitality and Multi-Sensorial Performance Making.
- Celebrate, Mourn, Dance
- Rituals of Greed
- Fueling the Change
- The crumbling of the seasons
- Exuberant joy of movement
- Bodyscopes