Aktuelles aus Berlin

Dance ∆rchive: Workshop review & next steps preview

Announcement of February 1, 2021

In their workshop ‘Digital Dance Δrchive Berlin – Digital Tools for Dealing with Knowledge about and in Dance’ on January 29, 2021, Prof Dr Bernhard Thull (Hochschule Darmstadt / University of Applied Sciences) and Prof Florian Jenett and David Rittershaus (Motion Bank Project, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) dealt with the digital parameters for a dance archive that equally considers documentation, archiving and accessibility of dance knowledge and body knowledge.

In a hands-on workshop, they first followed a bottom-up/top-down approach to the documentation of rehearsal processes in the studio, their backup, visualization and archiving, and then considered together with the participants how this archive can then be made usable again in dance rehearsals and dance productions: "From the studio to the archive and back again". The central goal of the so-called shared information spaces to be developed in the process is the traceability of data and information in order to guarantee consistency, connectivity and sustainability of a future digital TanzΔrchiv Berlin. In the last steps of the first part of the conception phase, the ‘collective brainstorm’ artists survey will be evaluated in February, the results of the representative inventory will be visualised in a general presentation, and the blog for the Touching Margins project, featuring a collection of diverse artistic perspectives on the current gaps in dance historiography, will be published. All publications and information on the conception phase for the Dance Δrchive Berlin will be available here.

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