The TanzRaumBerlin network, ZTB - Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. and Tanzbüro Berlin thank the Red-Green-Red Coalition and the Berlin cultural administration for their confidence in the implementation of the measures recommended by the Round Table for Dance and give an overview of what is happening for dance in Berlin:
The structural strengthening of dance as an art form in Berlin is being further advanced - thanks to the continuous exchange of the TanzRaumBerlin network with the cultural policy spokespersons of the Red-Green-Red Coalition and the cultural administration on the continued implementation of the measures developed at the Round Table for Dance (RTT), which have been in the process of implementation since 2020.
The Residency program for Berlin dance professionals will be implemented this year and next at nine Berlin production venues, and the projects of the Distribution fund, which was launched in a pilot phase at the end of 2020, will also be funded over both years.
The expansion of the Berlin long-term scholarships TANZPRAXIS in 2022/2023 is particularly welcome: The 18-month scholarships for Berlin dancers and choreographers are currently being advertised by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe with an application deadline of July 15, 2022, and can be awarded to significantly more dance professionals in this double budget! (More information about the application and link to the Tanzbüro Berlin info- and exchangezoom on July 6, 2022 from 10am-1pm at
Typical for the Berlin dance scene is its decentralized structure: the urgently needed strengthening of Berlin's dance landscape will continue in 2022/2023 with the funding of the self-managed anchor institution Uferstudios, and Funding to strengthen Berlin's dance venues 2022/2023 was already announced in June 2022.
Promptly and with funding in 2022/2023, this will build on the results of the conceptual phases that emerged from the RTT: In the past two years, recommendations for action were developed for the establishment of the Tanz∆rchiv Berlin (Dance Archive Berlin) and for the promotion of visibility, access, and networking for the field of Dance Communication and Education (Access Point Tanz). Last but not least, and still this year, on the basis of the report submitted to the Senate Department for Culture and Europe of the conception phase (April 2021 - April 2022) for a Berlin House for Dance and Choreography, the next steps for the implementation of this project that has occupied the Berlin dance scene for decades can be agreed with politics and administration.
In Berlin's 2022/2023 double budget, an annual budget of 1.545 million € has been set aside for the implementation of the seven structural measures for dance mentioned above. On the one hand, this is only a fraction of the approximately 6 million € that the Round Table for Dance final report had already identified in 2018 as the minimum annual requirement for the further implementation of structural strengthening for the dance sector. On the other hand - and we thank Berlin's Red-Green-Red Coalition parties! - the increase compared to the draft budget is a strong sign, "defying the crises".
Published on 5 July 2022